Week #4 – PROGRESS

Hello, Peeps.
Hope everyone is terrific, and if you own a business you are open or about to be or if you were furloughed from your job you are about ready to return. If you lost your job during this pandemic, I hope you find one soon that is 10 times better than the one you had before. I wholeheartedly hope that if the latest events have caused you anxiety or stress that those feelings are lifting and you are practicing self-care even if only in small ways.
This week I read something to the effect that we should be taking a break when we are feeling anxious and/or tired because we would feel better. I had to ask, “Even if you have a lot of chores to do?” The response was unanimous – Yes, perhaps even more so. Sadly, some think that self-care and resting are signs of laziness, but it is not – not even for a single minute.
Now to summarize for you the progress made this week.
Started by having a battle of the Greens. Although, I was really decided on Emerald Isle by Benjamin Moore, once I placed a sample on the wallpaper (see image) by the entryway, I realized that it did not quite fit. Here is why: although a beautiful shade of green, bright, happy and a hue you could easily fall in love with…However, when taking the entry space into account, it did not sit right. It would be the only bright color here and although I am looking for a brighter and happier color palette, that green was just off for the space.
For my work, I rely a lot on gut feeling. On any kind of feeling… a space, a color, a piece of furniture… it must feel right for the space. My gut and heart said it was not the right green especially when I realized that my artwork has more of a “leaf green” hue than an Emerald Green one.
So I decided to mixed the green with a Behr black called Black Limousine. I started by measuring 1 to 1 equal parts and the results were a beautiful deep, deep green black. But it was not quite right yet.
So decided to cut the black by 1/3rd and then 1/2 which seemed like a great color, but as I was testing it on white paper, I wasn’t sure if I needed to cut back on the black quite that much..so I added a bit more black.
Of course I had to seek the opinion of a friend and also my daughter who is an artist. I felt a bit like an impostor. After all, why would I need to ask the opinion of others if I am good at what I do (which I am very good by the way)? My friend Rachel put it in perspective…I was only seeing one element of the project and did not have the final artwork in hand –Worst case scenario, you can re paint the table if needed. Voila! If it wasn’t right, I could repaint it (Who knew?)! We are for sure our own worst critics, and if the dictionary consisted of sentences titled “Our Own Worse Critic” you would see a picture of me! But I chalk it up to humanism. We are all humans and Brene Brown says, “We are not the only ones who think that way.”

I chose a Gray primer because the table was black and because the green would be pretty dark also. Had I used a white primer it would have required more coats.

I tell you this because I want to reassure you that we all need to feel as if our choices/selections are right. But really, if we think about it, who does anything need to be right for other than ourselves? When it comes to our homes, designers tend to have a bit of a harder time deciding because we are so aware of all the possibilities with all of the products and selections that are available. Essentially, when clients hire an interior designer, kitchen and bath designers they do so in part to run choices and selections by the designer so that they too can be validated or reassured in their choices.
Okay. Moving on now to the prep once I arrived at my color choice. I started, sanding, wiping, and priming the table. I took the hardware off and filled in the holes. I primed and sanded again, gave it the first coat and then sanded some more. I am now waiting for the artwork to arrive to give the current color a pass…. It feels right, but am going to look at it in context of the space and with all the elements together. The color may very well change yet!
The piece de résistance …for the little table…. (drum roll, please)
The hardware arrived so quickly. I had no idea it was even on its way. @Schaub_and_company came through with the jewelry piece this table needed. The hardware for the drawer- a whole 8” of wonderful matte black wide (ribbon like) solid piece of amazing art in my opinion. Catch the photos and unveiling. This is what is going to make that table be anchored the space. The table is leggy so it needed something strong that would stand out from the green.
Look through Schaub_and_company’s website for hardware and you won’t be disappointing. new/https://schaubandcompany.com/products/whats-new/

An statement piece for sure.
This is it for now guys. I am waiting on the board to be cut so I can paint it black and for the pegs/hooks to arrive so that I can attach them to the board. The picture ledge still needs staining, and I am waiting for a response from @florsquares to let us know if they will indeed sponsor this makeover, with the help of Allen Foster from the San Francisco Flor Store, the amazing rug we have our eye on. Wait until I am able to tell you more about how these carpet squares work and what you can do with them.
Guess what else? I am dying over a light fixture that will just make it all even better…
Check out this light fixture.

We have a recessed can right in front of the space where the table lives…. Valeria Jacobs @rebeccaandgenevive showed these on her stories for her kitchen, and I instantly fell in love. It’s that one whimsy piece that will button things up nicely. Thank you, Valeria, for sharing your awesome finds.
That is it for this week, stay tuned and I will share some more.
Cannot wait to see the artwork seating on the ledge covering the unsightly electrical panel access door and potentially the door bell box.

We are going to make it ourselves because I don’t want it to be too deep.
Are these the coolest, simplest hooks? Love them, you can get them in different lengths.

See link below


Hi Rebecca: Wow.It’s really coming along! I love the deep green black color…your gut made the right call, to my eyes, too.
You have your work cut out for you, but it is going to be such a major transformation when it’s complete. I can’t wait to see Installment 5!
Thank you Leslie, I so appreciate your support and input.
Loving that green. Can’t wait to see it all. It’s looking great!
Looking great, Rebecca. The darker green on the table looks awesome!
Thank you so much. I hope the Green looks right with the artwork. R
I’m looking forward to seeing how this all comes together. How exciting for you!
Thank you.
That green turned out perfectly! Can’t wait to see your outcome!
Thank you, I am not sure if I should darken that Green some more. I know the screen changes the colors, so
currently it’s like a hunter green. We will see when the artwork comes in how it works together.
I want to learn how to make a picture ledge! And I want that light fixture!!! OMG…